Monday, May 3, 2010

Here it goes Again: One long year

Well, here it goes. Not sure what to write or BLOG about, but I’ll give it a try. The first thing that comes to mind, while blogging is whether I am writing for myself (in which case this blog might be a bit self indulgent), or whether I am writing for others. In my case, I’m just gonna wing it, and blog about what I am feeling at this exact moment-7:37 PM on a Thursday. Everyone hates a routine. Why, because it take the fun out of it. Knowing what is going to happen next, or how your day will unfold simply becomes PREDICATABLE…..And predictable is no fun. Well unfortunately, my feelings at this exact moment are..…Predictability. Stuck in a class room from 9 am- 3 pm. Strolling over to a restaurant/café on Serrano for a beer or a bite. By 4:30-5 PM I’ve had a nice 20 min walk back to the apartment (dragging my laptop and books). Oh crap, I’ve got dirty dishes to wash, laundry to hang, etc. etc. etc. Finally, I’ve finished!….Now I can take a nice hot shower……Wash away the day, get comfortable and of course, the obvious routine of all study. By 11 AM I have an interesting decision. Go out for drinks till 3AM in the morning, and drag my self the next day to class with a hang over (or just tired).. OR have an early night and wake up fresh. Well, it’s a matter of choice. If you ask me, I’d rather get my money’s worth.

I guess my topic for this blog is: Is student Life Routine Life. Who wants to challenge this idea (however trivial it might be). I’m calling this blog Back To School or Back to Routine,,,Whatever one of them….. I know for some of us it might be hard or just weird to be here. Leaving your job, family, friends, girl/boy friend, etc. etc.etc. Well we’ve all made a sacrifice to go back to school. And it is always important to remind ourselves why we are here. One thing, however, we are all sure of, IS that we have probably made one of the best decisions of our lives.

So I go back and say that even though studying might be routine, what comes after is far from it. What awaits us in a year is spontinuity, excitement, and plenty of opportunities. So lets make the most out of this year and let’s try to not sink into any boring routines……And as usual, rules are only what you make of them.

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