Google Inc, the company which effectively owns Google is considered today a growing empire among its peers. The company which started out as a search engine has branched beyond the realm of a software engine and has exploited the depths of the industry. What I find most interesting about Google is the way it presents itself; a beacon of Simplicity. The paradox however is in the complexity of the company, and its compounded strategic expansions.
Below take up three issues which have "bloggled" me.
The first fascinating topic on our agenda is the Google Adwords scheme. Untill late 2005 Google was almost functioning as non-profit enterprise, that is until they knocked off the Adwords scheme. A very simple by effective advertising revenue generating machine, Adwords auctions off essentially prime real estate space on it's site. By allocating space for paying (click per cost) customers they have revolutionized the business model for search engines and started a market trend among its competitors. Today advertising accounts for 99% of Google’s profits. My only bone to pick with Google’s Adwords system is that it seems as though (at times) it might be benefiting Google more than the paying customers. Working in the tourism sector for a few years, my experience with Adwords as a marketing tool revealed that while it drove traffic to our website, it was more profitable for Google corporation, and did not really improve our bottom line profits. Perhaps just our companys' website or the services offered, but overall our conclusion was that it worked better for multimillion dollar companies with a multimillion dollar advertising budget.
Regardless, Google is praised for its creativity and online innovation; A leader in its industry. The question however, which I would like to present as the second topic of this blog is whether Googles' transition from a search engine to a conglomerate of IT services is the ideal strategy. In my opinion this expansion marks the innovation and stamina within the company that many others lack. The alternative would be another Microsoft, simply living off it's proceeds and it's previous victories.
Regardless, Google is praised for its creativity and online innovation; A leader in its industry. The question however, which I would like to present as the second topic of this blog is whether Googles' transition from a search engine to a conglomerate of IT services is the ideal strategy. In my opinion this expansion marks the innovation and stamina within the company that many others lack. The alternative would be another Microsoft, simply living off it's proceeds and it's previous victories.
Currently, Googles projects include a new upcoming operating system, tons of free software applications, development of an open protocol system (voice communication), the Android phone, and even the development of a Google Office. Wow, are they streching themselves too thin.
The 3rd Issue I would like to draw your attention too is the one that stirs up the most controversy; The privacy rights issue. While Google has so far been labeled as a fairly net neutral company, its magnitude as a net force is almost intrusive. Maybe not for the time being, but their source crowding ability is immense. Just imagine if they every decided to make use of this information for any reason. A recent flaw with Google Buzz made almost everyone’s address and private information public overnight. Not to be too far fetched, but Google in essence be a greater assest to the United States governement than the CIA. Just consider gmail and the number of subscribers which have voluntarily given out their private information. For the time being however, Google is our major source Seeker Of Information (whether ours or others). For the time being however, one thing is for certain, Googling is always our priority.